Bringing users to visit a website can be an easy task compared to converting them to be returning visitors. to make the user a Returning visitor we need to provide a good website quality. As Galati et al.[1] stated; website quality undoubtedly can affect the success of a business on the Internet.

The quality of a website is defined by its information architecture more than its interface design; because the design quality comes from the presented information[2]. This reveals that the quality of the website’s content is completed by the quality of its design and its behavior and that is the most important factor of having a complete satisfied user experience.

This is significant because a website with a good design and service quality can have a tangible impact on revisit intentions through customer satisfaction[3].

Good quality website design should include an attractive user interface, but this is worth nothing by itself, as it needs to have a lot more to offer; for example, it should be visually designed to provide correct information, low loading time, a clever keyword usage[4] and a good navigation structure. A navigation structure design for a website can be measured by its navigability, which shows an effect on the user experience and motivation to use the site[5].

The quality of a website is presented by a good design and needs to be completed by a good content; meaning that, a design must be related by one way or another to the content. The design is not just the user interface visual look, it is also the usability,the performance, and the content of this website.


[1] A. Galati, M. Crescimanno, S. Tinervia, and D. Siggia, “Website quality and internal business factors: An empirical investigation in the Italian wine industry,” Int. J. Wine Bus. Res., vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 308–326, Jan. 2016.

[2] G. McGovern, “Information Architecture Versus Graphic Design,” ClickZ, 27- Dec-2001. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 08-Dec-2019].

[3] N. Wilson, K. Keni, and P. H. P. Tan, “The Effect of Website Design Quality and Service Quality on Repurchase Intention in the E-commerce Industry: A Cross-Continental Analysis,” Gadjah Mada Int. J. Bus., vol. 21, no. 2, p. 37, 2019.

[4] S. Kılıç, “EXPLORING GENDER DIFFERENCES IN PERCEIVED WEB SITE QUALITY,” Gumushane Univ. Sos. Bilim. Elektron. Derg., vol. 8, no. 21, Jan. 2017.

[5] C. Katsanos, N. Tselios, and N. Avouris, “Evaluating website navigability: validation of a tool-based approach through two eye-tracking user studies,” New Rev. Hypermedia Multimedia., vol. 16, no. 1–2, pp. 195–214, Apr. 2010.
